
Upcoming Meetings: July 15-16: TCEP Board of Directors meeting, Lubbock Oct. 1-4: ACEP Scientific Assembly, San Francisco Nov. 4: TCEP Board of Directors meeting, Austin
TCEP re-CONNECT 2022 Thank you to all who participated this year in the Resident OLEMPICS event in Ft. Worth! It was great to meet in-person again!

Texas Leadership and Fellowship Program

TMA First Tuesdays At The Capitol Information on First Tuesdays during Legislative Sessions
Find My Representative Click here to find a list of your local Legislators Interested in getting involved with TCEP's advocacy efforts? Please contact: TCEP Government Relations Chair, Dr. Theresa Tran, MD, MBA, FACEP

Contact the TCEP Resident Board Member with any questions: Zach Helm, MD